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100 Club of Arizona Boots & Badges

This past week Bob and I, along with some of our closest friends and family, had the honor to attend 100 Club’s annual fundraising gala known to the community as “Boots & Badges.”

When we pick up the phone in the chaos of an emergency to call 9-1-1, we not only expect that someone will answer the call; we expect a first responder to show up as soon as possible to help us, to treat the situation with care, and to give 110%. Something we may not think of, however, is who takes care of our first responders?  When their daily, on-the-job experience involves bearing the weight of tragedy, loss, violence, and more, who lessens the load for the first responder? The answer to that question oftentimes is 100 Club of Arizona

100 Club of Arizona provides a wide breadth of services to first responders and their families including referrals and financial support for mental health and trauma care; financial help in the event of an on-duty-injury or death; assistance after a life altering incident; scholarships to children of the fallen…the list goes on. When our community’s heroes need a safety net of their own, 100 Club is there. 

Bob and I have been supporters of the 100 Club through The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation since 2013 when the Yarnell Fires struck northern Arizona and claimed the lives of 19 wildland firefighters. Our support has evolved over the years to become more focused on 100 Club’s efforts to help first responders and their families get the mental health and wellness treatment they need to continue to show up on and off duty. Read more about our most recent partnership here.

This past week Bob and I, along with some of our closest friends and family, had the honor to attend 100 Club’s annual fundraising gala known to the community as “Boots & Badges.” It was our first time attending this event and I must say, it was the perfect combination of fun and levity, balanced out by more serious moments where we could connect deeply to the mission and show our respect to first responders –many of whom were in the room with us! 

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I want to extend a big “thank you” to 100 Club for having us and for honoring Bob and me with the Community Hero and Heroine of the Year award. What a humbling experience to be recognized alongside Police Officer and Firefighter of the Year, Broque and Glynn, whose service to their communities goes above and beyond the call of duty. And they’re just two examples of the incredible individuals who have dedicated their lives to our safety.

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This event gave me an opportunity to reflect on how grateful I am to live in a community where public safety is a priority and where someone is always there to answer my call if ever in need – these brave first responders are the absolute foundation of our society. 

To all those who protect and serve, along with the families that support you behind the scenes – we see you, we thank you, and we have your backs!