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Phoenix Business Journal | My View: Why it’s important to lift up girls, locally and globally

On October 11, 2023, International Day of the Girl, I share my thoughts with Phoenix Business Journal on the importance of supporting women and girls globally and amending practices that adversely affect our global community.
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October 11 is the International Day of the Girl, an initiative set forth by the United Nations that was conceived with the purpose of challenging and amending practices that adversely affect girls on a global scale. While we, as a society, have witnessed remarkable strides in this regard, it is important to acknowledge that there remains a substantial amount of work ahead —freedoms to be granted, stereotypes to be squashed and glass ceilings to shatter. As leaders in business there is much we can do to help advance this initiative and work towards a better future for women and girls around the world.

Regardless of an organization’s size or industry, every company has the opportunity and a responsibility to help drive positive change. As the president of PXG Apparel, an Arizona-based company that produces golf equipment and sport fashion, I acknowledge that the golf industry, and sports in general, has historically been predominantly male-oriented.

PXG takes pride in being an equal opportunity employer, and from day one our golf equipment has been engineered to be custom fitted to meet an individual’s performance goals regardless of how they identify. Moreover, we actively engage in the creation and support of initiatives tailored to empower women in golf, aiming to enhance accessibility and level the playing field.

Equally important are actions that can be made through philanthropy and community-minded efforts, from encouraging volunteering to making in-kind donations of goods or services, or putting your money to work through high-impact nonprofit organizations.

Through The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation, we’ve had the privilege of becoming members of a global philanthropic community. My involvement with groups like Women Moving Millions, an organization committed to substantial investments in the advancement of women and girls, has really underscored the power of coordinated and united efforts. My commitment to uplifting women and girls comes in all forms of giving: time, energy, and resources. Whatever your cause is, the best advice I can give is to be consistent and patient in your efforts. Today, International Day of the Girl, I encourage you to join me in any way that you can. In the words of the United Nations, “It is time for us all to stand accountable — with and for girls — and to invest in a future that believes in their agency, leadership, and potential.

Disclaimer: This byline was penned prior to the tragic events that are continuing to unfold in Israel and Gaza, commencing on Friday, October 6, 2023. Now more than ever, it is imperative to continue to spotlight the systemic challenges concerning the mistreatment and abuse of women and girls within our global society. We remain steadfast in our commitment to forging a more equitable and secure future for all.